Friday, August 21, 2009

Seminar Persediaan Menghadapi Peperiksaan

Musim peperiksaan semakin hampir. Debaran semakin ketara. Tekanan semakin mencengkam. Anda masih tercari-cari program untuk anak2 anda di musim cuti sekolah/bulan puasa ini? Sebagai usaha untuk menjawab 1001 soalan yang bermain di minda dan berlubuk di hati, Gem-Asia Seminars bercadang untuk menganjurkan seminar selama satu hari bertajuk "Persediaan Menghadapi Peperiksaan".

Saya yakin kursus ini sangat berguna untuk anda dan anak-anak anda terutama yang akan menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR/PMR/SPM 2009/2010. Kepada yang berminat harap dapat hubungi Azman Taher (016-980-0558) atau Ahmad Daud (019-950-1212). Berikut adalah maklumat lanjut :-

Yuran: RM40.00 sahaja seorang (Diskaun 10% kepada pendaftaran 2 orang ke atas)
Tarikh: 29 Ogos 2009 (Sabtu)
Masa: 8 pg - 3 ptg
Tempat: Klang Kristal Commercial Centre (bersebelahan Carefour Klang)

Helping Hands

It was the night of 27th Ramadhan and I was traveling from Penang back to Kuantan after spending three days in Penang delivering a seminar in Effective Corporate Governance through Implementing Effective Internal Controls. When it was all over, I called my wife and she asked me “How was it?” And I said, “I had fun and everybody in the class had fun”. She asked again, “How you could possibly had fun talking about corporate governance?” And I replied again, “I don’t know. I always have fun in whatever I do”. After that phone conversation I sat for a while and pondered on the answer that I just gave. How do I continue to have fun in doing the things that I do? Hmmm… something to think about.

It was probably the first time that I had travel this far in the month of Ramadhan and it needed some getting used to because I always wanted to be at home during the month of Ramadhan. But it was this very wee hours of the morning (it was actually 3:30 in the morning) while waiting for my connecting flight to Kuantan that something struck my petals of imagination and inspiration to write this article, which I passionately called “Helping Hands”.

The plane landed in Kuantan at about 8:30 am and got home at about 09:00 am. It was a glorious Sunday morning. The sun was shining gallantly piercing through my glass window. I wanted to snuggle under the sheets but I hate to see a perfectly beautiful day go to waste. I forced myself to wake up and gazed out the window. There was not a single cloud in the sky, the birds were chirping away singing tunes of freedom. The morning air was crisp and fresh. Subconsciously I began humming the tunes of “What a Wonderful Life” in my heart. My heart was brimming with joy. My mind was peaceful and contented. There was a sense of calmness and serenity flowing through my body. Deep inside, I was happy. I was blessed with a lot of good things in life.

As I turned away from the window, my eyes caught a small poster across the room, which read “in order to help others, I must help myself first”. I couldn’t remember where and how I got it but the poster has always been there for as long as I could remember. I didn’t take notice of it before but this time, I could feel something different. Somehow I felt a tingling sensation down my spine. Somehow my nerves were sending signals to my brain formulating pictures and images of a documentary, which I saw a few nights ago about the lives of helpless children in Palestine living in refugee camps. Their living conditions were not even close to what I have here. They lived in overly crowded and cramped tents with no electricity and no fresh water supply. Most of the time they just had barely enough food to eat and they just have enough clothes to cover their bodies for the day. Schools were makeshift huts and even that was considered as a luxury for many children. Entertainment was just mere words in the dictionary. Nobody could tell when it will end. I guess, the right question to ask is, will it ever end? They surely need a helping hand. I sincerely believe that if only all the helping hands around the world could converge and sincerely pledge their commitments to make the life of these helpless children, not only in Palestine but in all parts of the world, which are mostly ravaged by the cruel hands of war mongers, the dirty hands of corrupt politicians and the greedy hands of unscrupulous capitalists, could give light to new ray of hope so that they, these helpless children, could start to believe in themselves and start to appreciate the start of a glorious, civilised and caring world so that history could be recreated for the benefit of mankind.

At that instant I realised that the convergence of many helping hands must start with one helping hand and that is mine. I have been a receiver all my life but the time has come for me to change that. I must change from being a receiver to become a giver. The hands on top are better than the hands at the bottom. The hands on top are the helping hands of a giver. But how do I go about doing this? All of a sudden, I have questions but no answers. I was silently submerged in my own thoughts.

“What are you thinking?” My silent was broken by a familiar voice of my wife’s. Spontaneously I asked her, “How can I be a helping hand?” She took a deep breath, cleared her throat a couple of times and sat on my bed as if a bolt of lightning struck her. After a few seconds of silence she smiled, “Wow, you sure know how to wake me up. Don’t you have any simpler questions?” I know she was joking, but in her mind she was gathering her thoughts. Through the years that I have known my wife, she always seemed to have the answers to all the questions. She said, “To be a helping hand and in the process play some part in changing the world, you have to first of all be successful in whatever you chose to be”. She walked out of the room and I thought, “That was it?” While I was still gasping for more, she walked into the room with a book in her hands. She handed me the book and said, “I wouldn’t be able to explain more than I have but spend some time today to read this and hopefully you will understand what I meant”.

The title of the book was “Over the Top by Zig Zigler”. After spending the whole day reading it, I understood that in order to have a pair of helping hands I need to be successful so that I will have the capability and the capacity to help others. To be successful is a choice and as a matter of fact, to be successful is the obligation of every living mortal. For a man who is still learning in many ways, these revelations managed to unveil the curtains of my ignorance. However, to be successful I have to change. I have to change the way I think and the way I do things. I have to change mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. In order to have a pair of helping hands so that others could benefit from me, I have to continually strive to do my best and be the best because in a world that is rapidly changing and tenacious competition, only the best will survive.

I realise now that “in order to help others I must help myself first” has a deep-rooted meaning than meets the eyes. Helping myself means to be successful in whatever I chose to do and then only I can help others with my helping hands. The convergence of all the helping hands in the world can make this world a peaceful place so that one day we can perhaps “fly to the moon and play with the stars”.

Bergantung Harap Pada Yang Maha Esa

Kejayaan ialah sesuatu yang amat relatif dan mempunyai pentakrifan yang berbagai bergantung kepada persepsi dan kefahaman individu. Walau apa pun, kejayaan adalah milik setiap insan yang bernyawa tidak mengira bangsa, darjat, agama atau warna kulit. Setiap insan yang darah merah panas masih mengalir di setiap pelusuk tubuhnya berhak menginginkan kejayaan dan berhak pula membina kejayaannya sendiri selagi bumi yang terbentang luas ini dan langit biru yang tidak bertiang membumbungi alam fana ini masih utuh menahan mamahan masa. Pengembaraan dan perjuangan membina kejayaan perlu diteruskan selagi ianya belum selesai, selagi keinginan terus membara dan selagi ikhtiar masih terbuka. Setiap usaha yang diperkukuhkan dengan doa dan diperkuatkan dengan bertawakkal kepadaNya akan diberikan ganjaran kejayaan yang amat dicitakan. Ini adalah janji Allah SWT kepada setiap insan yang pasrah mengharapkan pertolongan dan bantuan dariNya.

Bagi setiap insan yang masih bernafas, bagi setiap insan yang jantungnya masih berdegup dan bagi setiap insan yang nadinya masih berdenyut, kematian adalah suatu kepastian yang akan datang tepat pada masanya, tidak lewat atau cepat walau sedetik. Manakala kehidupan pula belum tentu. Adakah kita akan diberi kesempatan untuk melihat matahari esok hari? Tiada siapa yang dapat memberikan kepastian. Adakah kita masih berpeluang untuk meneruskan kehidupan menjelang malam? Tiada siapa yang boleh memberikan jawapan tanpa megucapkan INSYAALLAH. Tetapi, selagi kita hidup dan diberi kekuatan serta kesempatan, kita wajib berusaha untuk membina kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk esok hari. Dengan izin Allah SWT, berkat usaha yang diperahkan, keikhlasan doa yang dipohon dan tawakkal kita kepadaNya kejayaan yang dicitakan dan yang dinanti-nantikan akan menjelma juga satu hari nanti. Tetapi ingatlah bahawa sekiranya Allah SWT tidak memberikan kejayaan yang diidamkan hari ini di dunia, percayalah apa yang kita pohon dan cita-citakan sebenarnya akan dimakbulkan oleh Allah SWT di Akhirat kelak dan Syurga menanti bagi setiap insan yang beriman walaupun sebesar zarah di mana kenikmatan yang kekal abadi sedang menanti setiap penghuninya. Ini adalah sesuatu yang perlu kita yakini.

Semestinya, kita harus ingat bahawa kejayaan mudah diucapkan tetapi hakikatnya “jauh panggang dari api”. Kejayaan sebenarnya “mudah cakap dari bikin”. Kejayaan memerlukan pengorbanan segala apa yang kita sayangi dan kasihi. Kejayaan memerlukan kesabaran, ketahanan dan kekuatan. Banyak halangan yang perlu diatasi. Banyak dugaan yang perlu ditempuhi. Banyak cabaran yang perlu dilalui. Jalan menuju kejayaan penuh onak dan duri. Hanya mereka yang benar-benar berhati cekal dan berjiwa tabah berpeluang dan layak menikmati kemanisan kejayaan. Seorang sahabat pernah mengingatkan kepada saya memburu kejayaan memerlukan kita membuat pilihan. Kita boleh memilih samada untuk menjadi daun atau menjadi pokoknya. Kalau kita memilih untuk menjadi daun, usaha kita tidak akan dapat bertahan lama kerana daun akan menjadi kering dan luruh. Kemudian daun akan hilang dimamah masa dan akan hilang buat selama-lamanya. Mati tidak bernisan. Mati tidak meninggalkan sebarang kesan, hilang bersama peredaran masa dan hilang ditiup bersama desiran angin. Tetapi, kalau kita memilih untuk menjadi pokoknya, walau angin bertiup kencang, walau matahari menyinar dengan gah dan walau siang dan malam silih berganti, pokok akan tetap berdiri teguh memberikan tempat untuk ranting dan daun untuk terus menyemai baktinya. Kerana kuatnya pokok, burung dapat menumpang membina sarangnya. Kerana teguhnya pokok, manusia dapat berteduh di bawahnya. Kerana tegapnya pokok, makhluk dapat mencari rezeki darinya. Daun akan silih berganti tetapi pokoknya akan terus berdiri menahan segala anasir dan gejala yang boleh menganggu dan menggugat kewujudannya. Untuk memburu kejayaan kita harus memilih untuk menjadi pokok supaya kita boleh terus berdiri tegap dengan penuh kecekalan dan kekuatan menahan segala dugaan dan cabaran.

Blog ini bukan bertujuan untuk mengajar pembaca kerana saya percaya 80% dari isi kandungan blog ini telah pun diketahui oleh pembaca. Anggaplah blog ini sebagai medan perkongsian idea dan ilmu. Walau bagaimanapun, tujuan utama blog ini ditulis ialah untuk berkongsi pendekatan dan membina perspektif yang lebih matang dalam kita menongkah arus badai dan gelombang dalam usaha kita untuk membina kejayaan. Maka, bacalah blog ini dengan hati yang terbuka dan minda yang lapang semoga pembaca akan mendapat manafaat darinya seperti mana saya sebagai penulis telah mendapat berbagai ilham dan inspirasi darinya.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Success : God Given Opportunity for ALL

Success can be simply defined as “the ability to achieve what we set out to do”. Just by the definition, every living soul has the ability to be successful regardless of colour, race and education background.

We often hear that success needs a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work. Well, this may surprise a lot of people, but luck has nothing got to do with it. How do we explain luck? It is unexplainable. Why is it then some people are bestowed with all the good luck while others are cursed with all the bad luck? This is just not right.

Lets take a few steps backwards. In some cosmic perspective lets try to understand the purpose of our creation and everything else around us. The Almighty God created the earth, the sky and the universe to submit without question to Allah SWT, the All Powerful, Ruler of the Judgment Day. To express their submission, the sole purpose of their creation is to serve humans. God created cotton and with cotton humans are able to produce bundles of thread from which cloth were made. Cloths were then made into dresses so that humans could cover their aurat in observing their deeds to the Almighty Allah SWT. God created animals that could be slaughtered, plants that would bear fruits and vegetations as food so that humans could consume them for energy and nutrition so that humans could be thankful and steadfast in observing their deeds to the All Knower Allah SWT. God created rain so that all life forms could benefit from the bounties of the Almighty Allah SWT.

Allah SWT had repeatedly narrated this phenomenon by saying “humans and jin were created for the sole purpose of worshipping Me”. Humans have to use their intelligence to transform resources around them so that humans could observe their deeds and make the necessary preparations to face the grim challenges of the Hereafter where the promise of Jannah (Heaven) is the goal of every soul. Heaven is the ultimate destination and the ultimate reward of success where we live eternally.

Therefore, we have the divine right to be successful both here and the hereafter. Allah SWT presents countless opportunities to enable us to pursue the right to be successful and to seek freedom. How many times have prayed to Allah SWT to bestow us with “rizqi” and to shower us with His Blessings. Allah SWT the All Sustainer and the All Maintainer, the Ruler of the Entire Universe, do not lose anything if He were to Grant all of our prayers. As a matter of fact we are obliged to believe that Allah will grant all our wishes, it is just a matter of time. How do Allah help us? By presenting opportunities so that we would make every effort to transform those opportunities into actual results.

But time and time again we have turned Allah down by making up endless excuses when opportunities start to knock on our door. Excuses such as “I do not have the time”, “I do not know how to do this”, “Can someone do this for me?” and “I do not have the money to do this” are commonly heard and enough to deter anyone from making an honest effort.

We need to understand that every single event happened with the Blessing of the Almighty and these events happened for a reason or several reasons. Therefore, from the standpoint of religion, to aspire to be successful is a duty of every man and more importantly to be successful here today and in the hereafter.

Note : This article was extracted from my book “Success, Happiness and Performance : They Are Within Our Control” published in 2007 by Pekan Ilmu Publications. Your comments are greatly appreciated or email me at or

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Put Your Heart on the Right Path

It was a humid mid-August night in Kuantan. It was cloudy. There were no stars in sight. I just got back from another road trip delivering a one-day seminar in Building Effective Performance Management Systems Using KPIs to the management team of Ladang Rakyat Trengganu Sdn. Bhd. We emphasized on the main virtues of honesty, integrity and most of all truthfulness in ensuring effectiveness and efficiencies of work process implementation. Once again, on my way home while Light FM was playing a favourite 80s tune “What Does Love Got to Do With it” by Tina Turner, the word truth comes to my mind. The truth is, the word truth is such a relative word. The word truth means differently to different people. How do we know that we have been truthful? What is truthful to me could be dishonesty to another. What is truthful to me could mean betrayal to another. What is truthful to me could mean disloyalty to another.

The fact is that sometimes “truth” is not well-defined. Truth is a lot of times start in the gray area. With the right interpretations, the gray area could turn to white and everything becomes crystal clear. But with the wrong interpretations the gray area could turn to black and everything got lost in translation. Interpretations require wisdom and wisdom requires knowledge and experience. In the end, we can’t see the truth with our naked eyes but we need to see the truth with our heart. When the heart believes, the mind will conceive. When the heart starts to see, then the heart could penetrate all barriers of sight.

But the heart could only see the truth when we could start to put the heart on the right path. Actually, this is easier said than done. Most of us used logical thinking to navigate our way through in order for us to see the truth. Logical thinking only see things from a binary standpoint. It’s either yes or no, right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable, white or black and nothing in between. But when the heart feels strongly about something, there’s virtually nothing could stop it from continuing to believe and starts building hope around it. When the martyrs of Badar fought against the disbelievers, logical thinking may suggest that it was sheer suicide. How could 313 men fought against 1,000? But the 313 men could see the Promise of Allah SWT with their heart. The 313 men of Badar could see the sheer ecstasy of becoming eternal dwellers of Heaven. The 313 men of Badar searched for the truth with their hearts. The 313 men of Badar put their hearts on the right path.

Sometimes the truth hurts. That maybe true. But the most important thing is, if we could see the truth with our heart on the right path, we will always be at ease with ourselves, at peace with our mind, and will feel a sense of calmness and serenity with every beat of the heart. If the “truth” do not bring peace to the mind, contentment to the heart and always feel that we could have done things differently, then chances are we probably did not put our heart on the right path when we set out to search for the truth. Think about it …

In the end, the essence of life and living is always about searching for the truth. But we can only find the truth if we could put our heart on the right path. And the right path will always lead us to the path of Allah SWT, the Almighty, the Sustainer, the Merciful and the Creator of the entire Universe.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saya dan "The Six Million Dollar Man"

Semasa kecil dan sudah tentunya masih di bangku sekolah rendah, saya amat meminati siri TV bertajuk “The Six Million Dollar Man” yang dibintangi oleh Lee Majors yang membawa watak Steve Austin. Ketika itu, pada pertengahan tahun 1970an, angka enam juta amat besar bagi saya dan amat sukar dicapai oleh akal saya. Hari ini enam juta dollar atau ringgit sudah menjadi mainan biasa. Walau apa pun, pada waktu itu, saya yakin enam juta ialah satu jumlah yang amat besar dan “six million dollar” ialah satu harga yang amat mahal dan bukan boleh dibayar oleh calang-calang orang.

Saya kagum dengan kekuatan luarbiasa atau “bionic” yang ada pada Steve Austin. Mata kanannya berupaya untuk melihat sesuatu dari jarak yang jauh. Tangan kanannya mempunyai kekuatan luarbiasa yang boleh mengangkat, melempar dan membaling objek-objek yang jauh lebih besar dan berat seperti, kereta, lori, batu besar dan sebagainya. Kakinya juga mempunyai kuasa yang menakjubkan sehingga boleh berlari sepantas kilat dan melompat setinggi bangunan. Kerana asyiknya saya mengikuti siri “The Six Million Dollar Man”, tanpa saya sedari, saya telah mengambil karektor Steve Austin sebagai idola saya dan waktu itu saya tak kisah mengapa, saya tak tahu sebab apa dan saya pun tidak pernah memikirkannya.

Beberapa tahun lalu, ketika itu menghantar anak perempuan saya yang ketika itu berumur 12 tahun menghadiri satu bengkel motivasi sebagai persiapan menghadapi peperikasaan UPSR tahun 6. Oleh kerana bengkel berkenaan telah diadakan pada hari Ahad, maka saya telah mengambil peluang untuk duduk dan dengar perbincangan dan topik yang dibawa oleh fasilitator bengkel. Kemudian, dalam salah satu sessi perbincangan, fasilitator tersebut telah meminta peserta-peserta untuk melukis atau melakar gambar hero masing-masing. Ramailah yang saya lihat mula melukis Superman, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Cinderella, Batman, Ultraman dan lain-lain bentuk lukisan yang hanya pelukis sahaja yang tahu apakah yang sebenarnya tersurat di atas kertas. Pada waktu yang sama, fikiran saya mula mengimbau pengalaman silam dan mula tertumpu kepada Steve Austin dan “The Six Million Dollar Man”. Seperti yang telah diketahui, Steve Austin mempunyai kekuatan luarbiasa melalui mata, tangan dan kaki “bionic”nya. Beliau juga seorang yang bijak, pintar, dan berani. Dengan kekuatan dan ciri-ciri yang ada padanya, beliau berjaya menumpaskan penjahat, membersihkan kejahatan dan menegakkan keadilan. Saya terfikir, pada waktu itu, ketika berumur 12 tahun saya inginkan kekuatan untuk melakukan apa saja untuk mencapai kejayaan yang diinginkan. Sudah tentu lebih dari 35 tahun yang lalu, keinginan saya hanyalah untuk berjaya mendapatkan keputusan peperikasaan yang baik supaya saya boleh mengecek emak membeli basikal supaya saya bebas berbasikal ke mana sahaja (saya masih ingat kata-kata kepastian saya kepada emak, “Kalau emak belikan Aman basikal, emak boleh suruh Aman bila-bila masa sahaja untuk pergi ke kedai”). Hari ini saya faham bahawa kejayaan merupakan pintu laluan dan paspot untuk mencapai kebebasan dari segi mental, emosi, fizikal dan sudah tentu kebebasan spiritual. Hari ini, saya faham bahawa kita akan hanya mencapai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat sekiranya kita memiliki kebebasan. Hari ini, api yang membakar semangat yang membara masih belum padam, walaupun sudah lebih dari 35 tahun berlalu. Semangat kejayaan akan terus saya genggam dan martabat diri, keluarga, bangsa, agama dan negara akan terus saya julang.

Friday, August 7, 2009

SELL Yourself During the Interview

Major universities around Malaysia could easily produce at least 10,000 graduates every year, and taking into account two convocations per year, the numbers could be much higher. However, job opportunities may not grow as fast and consequently contributes towards the unemployment rate.

But, the main question is, why do the rate of unemployed graduates continue to rise ? Through our observation, it is found that graduates are not aggressive job hunters. The primary reason behind this situation is the lack of CONFIDENCE.

Graduating students, need to have the confidence to aggressively attack the job markets. They need to not only have the confidence in their capabilities but they also need to have the confidence to be competitive in places where the jobs are available, such as the Klang Valley, Penang, Ipoh and Johor Baru. Of course, not to leave out emerging cities such as Cyberjaya and Putrajaya. Graduates must not deny the abundance of off-shore employment opportunities.

Realising this fact Gem-Asia Seminars has designed a 2-day program called "Preparing Graduates for Pre-Employment - The Practical Approach". The essence of “Preparing Graduates for Pre-Employment – The Practical Approach” is to build and instill their confidence to attack the job market. The program will provide training ala “American Idol” so that they have both theoretical and practical exposures.

We believe that through this collaboration the “Preparing Graduating Students for Pre-Employment” program could benefit students enormously by giving them the confidence and know-how in facing the challenges of pre-employment.

Although the pre-employment period is rather short but it could be detrimental in charting the course of one’s career. Nevertheless, students MUST BE ABLE TO SELL THEMSELVES CONVINCINGLY in order to get the "dream job" and career head start.
Note : Please send an email to or if you need more information on this program.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Public Speaking Anyone?

Are you afraid of public speaking? Are you terrified of public speaking? Are you nervous of public speaking? If your answer is yes, then you are normal. A survey says that almost 90% of the population would run away from public speaking. This ranks higher that the fear of going to a dentist. But, public speaking and communication skills are needed in almost in every facets of our waking life. As a matter of fact, the saying "Talk Your Way to the TOP" does apply in real life. It is often regarded as that one skill that separates the high-flyers and the non-movers. Public speaking and presentation skills are perhaps the most important skills in building the confidence and competency of an individual and the capacity of an organisation. Public speaking plays an essential part in communication that relay messages across the organisation. The effectiveness of the communication process will determine the response of the audience and effective public speaking and presentation skills will surely provide the necessary competitive edge in winning the audience’s attention and ultimately drive towards the desired action.

Public speaking and presentation skills are one of the first managerial skills which an executive or manager should acquire. This 2-day training workshop aims to fulfill that by providing a step-by-step approach to build presentation skills among the participants. It also includes a hands-on experience in developing an effective presentation and presenting it effectively.

The main objectives are to enable participants to understand the essential ingredients of presentations and to acquire confidence, poise and skills in presentation/speaking. The participants will learn a great deal from this experience!

Some of the main topics that we will cover are Communication Fundamentals, Speaking in Public, Overcoming Stagefright, Effective Delivery, Pre-presentation Preparation, Structuring Your Presentation and Closing Your Presentation.

For more information on this program which is called "Conquering the FEARS of Public Speaking", please email your request to or

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Success : Its About Building a Better Us

Success and happiness are very much related to one another but not necessary a pre-requisite of each other. Success although every living soul yearns, prays and asks for it could not guarantee happiness. We have heard or read stories about how successful people lived in frustration, seclusion, depression and loneliness. Success if not properly handled could drive someone to total destruction. Success without proper education and discipline could lead to insanity. However, in order for us to achieve happiness we need to have a sense of success. Therefore it is the aim of this book to explore and develop the diagnostic approach to understand the basic philosophy of success and happiness and understand the methods in getting there.

Success is not strange to anyone’s vocabulary. Success maybe commonly defined as “the ability to achieve what we want and set out to do”. But how someone perceives and interprets success varies. Some may measure success by the materials they own such as the cars that they drive, the house that they live in and the real estates that they own. Some may measure success by the success of their children. Some may measure success by the amount of money they have in their bank accounts. Measuring success through merely worldly possessions is inevitable but a lot of times quite dangerous, because there is no end to it. You will continue to work until you drop.
Success is about satisfying your aspirations. Success is about reaching for the stars and knowing for a fact that the process of reaching for the stars and the journey of building your dreams has made you the best that you can be. More importantly, success is when you know when to stop and saying to your self “I have made it!!!” Contrary, success is not about being better than the person next door. Success is about building a better us.

Success is often times taken lightly and sometimes being ridiculed. Although success is an interesting subject to discuss which could garner a lot of interest when taken on the academic forum but we naturally shy away from discussing success in its true sense because success has its pre-requisites and there is always a price to pay for success.

Note : This article was extracted from my book "Success, Happiness and Performance : They are Within Our Control" published in 2007 by Pekan Ilmu Publications.

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