Thursday, October 15, 2009

Success : Believing in the Invisible

We have to understand that success is a choice we make. Life is the result of choices that we make and time merely enable them to happen. Nobody else can make us successful except us. We have a personal obligation to our own self to be successful. At the same token, we can choose not to be successful. We have probably seen this happening around us and there is nothing we can do about that. If we choose to be successful, we need to first of all believe in the Invisible. You may say, “What?” I say, “YES”. You see, success started out as invisible because we are not there yet. Success needs to be built over time. We started out our quest for success with nothing and all we have is time. I always say that the most critical resource that we need to manage is not money but it is time. With time we can find or make the money. But money could not buy back for every lost time. What we do with the time that we have will very much determine our level of success. But, time is invisible.

To be successful, we need to have our priorities straight. We need to have the discipline and perseverance to see things through. We need to have the undivided commitment and the endurance to make our dreams a reality. Again, priorities, discipline, perseverance, commitment, endurance and dreams are all invisibles.

Life is about believing in the invisible (ghaib). Life will loose its soul if we stop believing in the invisible. In Islam, the basis of life is the total submission to the Invisibles outlined by the Rukun Iman. Allah is the All Invisible but we believe in Allah as if we can see Him Bestowing His Blessings. The Angels, the Holy Book and the Scriptures, the Day of Resurrection, the Prophets and His Messengers and the Qada’ and Qadar are all Invisibles. The Rukun Islam, through the physical evidence of “ibadah” (practice), realizes the manifestations of the Invisibles. The only way to see the Invisibles is to see things with our heart and our soul will live to believe … until the end of time. Seeing with the heart will penetrate all barriers of sight.

Therefore, since success is invisible, we need to see success with our heart. If the heart could see the light at the end of the tunnel, if the heart could taste the sweetness of success and if the heart could believe then the mind, body and soul could transform the ray of hope into powerful actions that could shake and move the world around you. Believe in ourselves that we can make things happen and let the Almighty with all His Blessings take care of the rest.


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